Our network of passionate and committed volunteers provide patients with companionship or skilled support, such as reiki, massage therapy, pet therapy, and music therapy.
An experienced physician directs the hospice team by overseeing the patient’s medical care, recommending medications, and acting as the patient’s attending physician, if needed.
A case manager assesses the patient’s needs and provides support to the family. The nurse can offer education on the disease process, and is available for visits and supportive phone calls.
Our team manages all medications related to the hospice diagnosis. We also arrange for necessary equipment such as a hospital bed, wheelchair, oxygen, and incontinence or wound care supplies.
Compassionate and skilled, our aides provide companionship
and assistance with daily living. They help with dressing,
meal preparation, grooming, and more.
Social workers and chaplains connect patient families
with available resources and offer end-of-life counseling,
planning, and bereavement services.